Men's Ministries

The Men's Ministry's Purpose
"Two are better than one because
they have good return for their labor."
Ecclesiastes 4:9
The Men's Ministry is a group of dedicated men committed to leading efforts to equip all men to serve the needs of men in our church and community. We believe that God has a specific plan for each man, and we are passionate about helping men engage and fulfill their God-given purpose.
His Vision Is Our Ministry
We envision a community of men who are spiritually strong, relationally healthy, and actively engaged in serving others. We believe that when men are equipped and engaged in living out their God-given potential, it has a ripple effect that strengthens families, churches, and communities.
Our Ministry
To achieve this, we have set the following focus areas to ensure opportunities available for men to serve others and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ:
Discipleship: We want to help men grow in their faith and understanding of God's Word and equip them to become godly leaders in their families, workplaces, and communities.
Fellowship: We want to create a community of men where men can engage with each other by building friendships and supporting and serving one another.
Outreach: We want to reach out and engage with men in our community who are unchurched or disconnected from the church.
Please contact Pastor Tom Miller for more information