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HOPKIDZ is a children's ministry for preschoolers through 5th grade that meets during the School year on Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm in the Family Life Center.


We want kids to grow up to be like Jesus, in wisdom, faith, and friendship as Luke 2:52 states; "and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man."


Our present study is “All In” which is a Kids In Discipleship series that joins God in leading kids into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are learning about prayer and what it means to communicate with God.


The program begins with a large group worship song time in Kidzone upstairs and then the children rotate to 15-minute learning stations of Bible learning, crafts, and games that all reinforce that night's theme.


The small groups are lead by caring adults from our ministry that are committed to leading your child to revere God and others.


To inquire about this ministry or to volunteer, please contact Pastor Darryl at 706-745-5925


U-Nite is a YouTube channel loaded with missionary adventures, Bible lessons, action-packed songs, and more! God’s Word is shared in a fun, engaging way to draw children to both understand and apply biblical truths to their lives. Children can watch these videos over breakfast, after school, in the evening—anytime! Subscribe to the channel now to stay updated with the latest video content. 



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