Make A Meal

We are so grateful to have volunteers who love to prepare and deliver dinner meals using their personal resources and time to help our church family recovering from medical issues.
So first of all, thank you very much for being interested in joining this team and being willing to be used by God in such a practical way!
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE in the Meals Ministry, complete the form below. You will receive an email every time we schedule meals for those in need. The email will provide you with a link that you can use to sign up for the day you would be available to take food.
Please Note, you do not have to prepare a meal for each request. Your participation will only be at your convenience. Can’t make a whole meal? Make a salad and a dessert, then grab a friend to make the main course! Or you may also consider an easy solution like ordering a pizza, or taking a bucket of chicken with a salad!
When it’s just not possible for you to be involved at that time, pray for the need, asking God to supply and heal.
Who we serve: Because of the large size of our church family and its many needs, we reserve all meal requests for members of House of Prayer Church.
When do meals start: Meal Requests should receive a 48-72-hour notice before starting that first meal.
How long does a meal schedule last: Meals are usually scheduled every other day for about a week. If more service time is needed, we can assess the situation at the end of the meal schedule, and extend it if necessary.
How to ask for help: If you see there is an opportunity for our church to minister to part of the body of Christ, you can evaluate the involvement of help they have from family and friends before contacting us. Meal requests can then be made by a phone call or email:
706-745 5925
“…For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers of mine, you did for me.’”
Matthew 25:35,40 (NIV)